History of Living East
Living East was the cultural consortium for the East of England, established in 1999 by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. The consortium was the lead advocate for culture in the East of England. more about Living East
As a consortium they worked together as a combined voice for culture in the region on:
- strategic research and cultural planning
- research and intelligence gathering
- working with local authorities
- promoting the region's culture
- strategic social and regeneration projects
England is known throughout the world for its rich and colourful heritage and culture. Places, people, myths and legends all come together to tell us stories that fascinate and inspire. They provide vital clues about our past and are therefore vital to our present and future.
Living East (East of England Regional Cultural Consortium)
Contact details for Living East (East of England Regional Cultural Consortium)
That event provided a helpful and friendly exchange of ideas between members of different faith communities in the region.
The conversation was wide-ranging, and included a discussion of the way in which various of the regional government structures are developing. People’s thoughts included ways in which we might be able to work together, demonstrating that people of different faiths can work together, and ways in which we might relate to regional government.
East of England Ambulance Service (EEAS) NHS Trust brings innovation to patient safety
EEAS NHS Trust has introduced an innovative way to record and manage incidents, providing a single point of contact to report incidents, near misses and safeguarding issues.
The drought is here ... now watch out for the flash flood
The drought gripping swaths of England could, paradoxically, increase the risk of flash flooding, the Environment Agency has warned.
Open Programmes may be run in our training room in Winchester or at an alternative venue in the region provide an opportunity for participants to network and share good practice and can be run as in-house programmes if you have a number of people wishing to attend, or on your premises, inviting participants from neighbouring Authorities and SEE organising the course administration for you.
The charity laid the blame for the rising number of neglect cases at the feet of horse owners and traders who they say are buying or breeding animals they can neither care for, nor sell.
Be a Butterfly! Ever wondered how to make those changes? Join us for some delicious food and wine to celebrate Enterprising Women’s 12th Birthday.
For the last twenty years the Islamic Academy, in with the University of Cambridge, have been organising regular seminars relating to religion in a multi-faith society.
The process has been concerned with the protection and promotion of diversity in a pluralist society, and with the substantial core of values which are shared by different faiths, including truth, justice, liberty, respect and compassion.
We can help you to:
- Find distributors, business partners or technologies in countries around the world through its team of international brokers
- Explore business and investment opportunities in the developing world through its work with UNIDO, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation.
- Access technology and expertise from the UK through its extensive network of contacts and links with UK universities
- Host trade missions and introduce you to new contacts.